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Rachel Brittain


Rachel Brittain

Rachel has been working as an artist educator in the realm of Forum Theatre for over five years. Most recently, she worked with Mixed Company Theatre (Toronto) on two shows (Project Act – about healthy living and substance misuse, and A Fine Line – about sexual harassment) that toured across Ontario for over eight months. Rachel is also a published writer, having penned the script for Funny Business – The Musical (Samuel French Inc.), and Act Now! which premiered at the 2010 Toronto Fringe Festival. Rachel is a graduate of the Music Theatre Performance Program at Sheridan College. She is honoured to be working again with Sheatre on Far From The Heart – may it continue to raise our awareness and challenge our beliefs.


“The scenario, the dialogue, the action, could all have ’viewer discretion advised’ warnings, but that’s the point. it makes you squirm in your seat. It makes you think.”

The Meaford Express

“The production was nothing short of wonderful. Without self-consciousness, topics long dormant sprang back to life again. Beneath the laughter and delight of watching scenes unfold and remix, the more serious side of the message reached its goal.”

Jan Kielven
Positive Climates for Learning Specialist, Curriculum and Instructional Services
York Region District School Board